I had a great conversation with Pat today. We were talking about ethics. A little bit of what we think is right and wrong, why we think it, and a little bit of how we think we know what's right and wrong.
I think the biggest question that we had to leave unanswered was that if someone does something wrong, but either doesn't know it's wrong, or doesn't think it's wrong, then can they be faulted for doing what they've done?
Previous to tonight, i was of the opinion that people who did wrong things don't know that what they are doing is wrong, but Pat proved the error in my thoughts by asking a whole bunch of questions. It's possible that some people do wrong without being aware, but there's certainly more then enough examples of the other. We both kinda took turns playing Socrates, it was pretty great.
I was disapointed to find out that i did things that i knew were wrong. I'm dealing with it being wrong that i took the flag now. It's sort of a bummer, but i guess i'm better off dealing with guilt then thinking i've done no wrong.
We talked a bit about whether it's right or wrong to download music or movies or software. We also talked about Jesus, whether he is divine, or human with a divine guide. Neat stuff, i'd say.
That's all i've got to say for now. Maintain.
It's a dangerous place though. You dont want to find yourself on the wrong side of the glass when some go some way, some go the other.
I always wonder if i'm doing wrong, if i'm thinking wrong. Can i be too hard on myself? I want to do what is right. I hope my reasons for doing the right thing are the right ones.
Are actions more important then reasons? Can you will your reasons to be the right ones? Is desire to be good the same as being good?
I didn't specify that i wanted to write daily on my blog. That really wasn't my intention at all. Cause i'm not going to try and spew out poetry for you crazy a-holes. To be honest, i think i care too much of what your opinion of it will be for me to let it flow through in an easy fashion.
This sounds to me like somewhat of a problem. Anyone have any ideas on how to silence your critic? I think i refuse thoughts before i can translate them into words, which really doesn't give me much opportunity to type or write them.
I actually did start drawing though. I have a book i got from the library. And it will teach me to see properly. This should help me with my drawing, i'm told.
It's crossed my mind that typing "i" in lowercase is an act of humility. I've actually gotten to the point of changing it to lowercase when i accidentally capitalize it. Weird.
Pat just sent me a link to an article about being addicted to comfort; it was a pretty decent read if you're interested.
Partly due to the drawing book, and partly due to something i read in my book on Buddhism, i started thinking again about the differences between left brain and right brain. It's really cool. There's a lot of things that we know about ourselves which can be thought upon. Thinking is great.
Speaking of left and right brained thinking, i was just reminded of a few emails that i sent around to a few people. If i remember correctly, these emails were huge in size, and had very random content. I was going through a strange phase where i started asking a lot of "why" questions, but i hadn't yet began to believe in anything spiritual. Two things i wanted to say about those emails, the first is that it's very possible that a lot of it was absolute garbage, i basically started with a few simple unanswerable questions, and wrote as if i knew the answers. I hope that even if everything i said was Bologna that maybe i still inspired someone to just write and write and write until their head was empty. Cause even if it's all bs, i think writing is a great way to learn to think.
The second thing i'm wondering (if in fact that last paragraph only said one thing) was if anyone still has those emails, i'd like it if they would forward them to me, i wouldn't mind sorting through some of the thoughts, see what i had. I've read through a few little notebooks that i had in Ottawa, and most of the stuff is really weird crackpot theories, but i think i might like to read the stuff just the same. Thanks.
Random thought generator: It's cool to use both your eyes for things. Use one for art, one for voice, two for music. I need to work on the art one. And the both one.
I don't know if i said this before here, or just wrote it down somewhere, but i think headaches are probably good for you. I get the impression that the pain paves the way through the blockages in your head. Cleans out the filter. I don't think that God would just make your head hurt for no reason. And yeah, i brought God into it. Sue me.
I think when you let your eyes play tricks on you, you're letting one part of your brain run wild, and ignoring the other one. I'll say that you ignore the side of your brain that keeps track of time. And you let the one which thinks about space go to town.
I heard a lecture in Carleton university put on by the official translator of the Dalai lama. He was talking about meditation, and he said that there were three kinds of meditation. One kind was to focus on a single point. On a single object, even. Another was to focus on absolutely nothing, just let air pass through you as if you were a deciduous tree in winter. I sure hope i got the tree right.
The dalai lama said that western scientists were going to be interacting with the Buddhists, and that Buddhists most skilled in meditation would use different styles of meditation, and electronic sensors connected to the brain would give readings which said which parts of the brain were affected by which forms of meditation.
I'm certain that this is an oversimplification, but from what i think i know, using a certain part of your brain is the easy part. The hard part is stopping the other part of your brain from interfering. I think that the meditation where you focus on a certain point/object blocks out the logical, progressive, left side of your brain. I think that the free thinking, open, airy meditation is shutting out space, letting time flow.
Space-time. Einstein. Weird. Think about it.
How about this, one eye for space, one eye for time, they merge in the middle (so you're not right fucked when you shut one eye) and then where they merge something inside you decides which part of your brain gets to deal with the input. When you meditate you drive all this information to one side of your brain.
This is the sort of crazy theorizing that i sent around in those emails, i think. And like then, when i'm writing this stuff, part of me thinks it's right.
I don't like the idea that the eyes are different. Cause i don't think they are. Lets just say one half your brain is space, one half your brain is time. That'll work for now.
I really think it's right. Strange.
"Hold up you crazy son-of-a-bitch," you think, "wasn't there supposed to be a third type of meditation?"
Congrats on remembering, i guess your logical, progressive brain is doing it's homework. Well, i decided to close with that little morsel. The third type of meditation is to imagine bad things happening to loved ones. Then you let yourself feel pain and sadness.
Could it be that you can exercise your soul?
I haven't the foggiest, but i'm not going to jump into that right now. Keep watching the skies, baby.
Moondance by Van Morrison is such a good album. Jebus.
On september 13 i wrote a bunch of stuff in a small fivestar notebook. I'm going to share some of that. The section i'm going to write has something to do with the post and comments on dave's site.
"We look in the mirror and we think we know ourselves. This concept couldn't be more false. You'll do a better job seeing yourself in the faces and eyes you allow your smile to reflect off of.
This is truly your impression on the world."
There's alot more i wrote that day, but i'll leave it out for now. Have a great day.
In the next 9 years, i would like to have written a book, completed an album, done a musical tour of europe, and have spent at least 4 months living outside of europe or north america. I'd like to live cheapily in an uncivilized place. Maybe live in a small hut on the coast of thailand.
I think that'd please me a great deal.
When a flower blooms, it is essentially just letting it's insides out. I'd say they're setting a pretty good example.
wavy gravy.
A complete unknown.
Look at ya.
Well, i was in nelson at my dad's place last night. It was cool to see him again. He wasn't really fond of me being a muslim, which was kinda too bad. He's really well travelled, so i would've thought he'd be pretty understanding about that. I talked with kent a little while today though, and he kinda helped me see that as much as i think islam makes sense, it's often seen as very unusual and foreign. I'd like it if he could think that i was making an informed decision though, i got the impression that he wonders "what simon has gotten himself into". He seemed pretty eager to lend me a book about buddhism, and as much as i look forward to reading it, i really get the impression that he's hoping i'll drop the quran when i find something 'neater'. And incase anyone else was wondering, i dont call myself muslim so i can have 5 wives.
Today, the opening and closing fuction of my mini-disc recorder broke. I can still record and play music on it well, it's just that i can't open it to remove/exchange the disc which is inside. Luckily, my over the counter 30 day replacement warranty will continue untill monday. So tomorrow i will make my way to future shop to get it replaced. Third time's a charm, i hear.
Although the open/close function of the cd player wasn't working, i still decided to record a few tracks. And can i just tell you that doing this lifted my spirits. It went exceedingly well. I recorded four songs. Two of them sound almost like they're done, two of them have choruses, melodies, and music, but need some verse lyrics. But these things are all details, the important thing (to me, anyway) is that i recorded myself playing a few songs, and then with enjoyment, i listened to them. I liked my voice on tape, which as anyone will tell you, is a rairity.
I've got Acid Pro 4.0. And i'm ready to lay down some music. I feel like i've been saying this for about 2 years, but i'm expecting to have some music online fairly soon. I'll be sure to tell you where.
Like a rolling stone.
I read an article in an indy music magazine, written by the lead singer to Bright Eyes. It was about the Texas based company known as Clear Channel.
I know few facts about the company, but what i've gathered is that they own about 1200 radio stations, a great deal of huge music venues, and has a frightening about of power over the popular music industry. I was happy to read that Bright Eyes refuses to play in any more Clear Channel owned venues.
This article sparked something in me. I'm not sure if it's entirely necessary that i become a well known musician before hand, but i would like to form a musicians coalition. Or even an artists coalition. I want to bring all the beautiful minded people of the world together. In numbers it will be so much easier for us to rise above the money hungry peoples we've become.
Now, i'm not sure how exactly any of this will work, so i'm just going to let ideas flow from my head for a little while. Hopefully as freely as simonly possible.
I need to figure out what the purpose of such a coalition would be. Part of this is somehow tied to an article that Ani Defranco wrote in the same music magazine. Ani wrote about her record label. Apparently, sales of Ani's cds is all that's keeping this record company afloat. Most of the musicians on her label are cause for costs, not cause for profits. Ani says that her company's shortcomings are due to dwindling record sales, and the fact that there are so few independant record stores. A lack of independant record stores means that musicians found on independant labels have difficulty getting their music out for the public to buy.
Ani's label recently purchised a former church in southern U.S. and has turned it into a music venue. She's hoping that this should form some revinue.
I would hope that the artists on Ani's label, and other independant labels, are better artists then at least some of the artists on major record labels. If the artists on independant labels are less popular for the reason that the product that they release is less good, then the sales indicate product quality, and there's really nothing which can be done, nor is there a reason for something to be done.
It bothers me to think that there's more people in the world who would rather own a Brittany Spears CD, then one written by Ani Defranco. Maybe i should refine that sentance a bit. There's more people in the world holding 20 american dollars that would rather a cd by Brittany then Ani.
So, is this a problem that needs a remedy?
I suppose for a brief paragraph, i'll contribute the idea that maybe i have bad taste in music, and that popular music is popular for good reasons. By mentioning this, it wont be commented by someone who thinks that they've discovered a horrible fault in what i'm trying to do. Let me just say that if i do have bad taste, then you can either keep your opinion of my opinions to yourself, or you could let me know, and i'll not worry about it. Opinions are beautiful things, because if they're truly from what you believe, then they will not be swayed by the opinions of others.
But wait a minute you say (or i say to myself), if you believe that everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, then why are you implying that people who buy brittany spears cds are wrong in their purchases? Are they not entitled to listen to what they wish?
Well, yeah, of course they are. But there's something that irks me about popular music. I think that i can describe it best through four simple words.
Victory Through Sheer Volume
It's not fair. Unfortionately, i lack the experience and the knowledge to say exactly how this system works and why it's not fair. But as far as my imagination can carry me, i believe that the advertising that big companies use to promote their artists gives their artists a higher chance of being seen, being heard, and being bought. Through these sales the artists earn a pretty penny, so they rairly feel the need to complain. The record label also earns a pretty penny, so they can continue to advertise their musicians and make sales. Record labels can also use this advertising power to attract musicians to their label. Bands are tempted with candies such as continental tours, radio play, and signing bonuses.
So, what's it gonna be? One of the comments that the lead singer to Bright Eyes (it'd be best if i just knew his name) said that the only solution would be if i a business could compete with Clear Channel in terms of promoting power. But what would that do, he wondered. What would the point be of having two Clear Channels? Where in lies the progress?
What about a non profit record label? A label that's main priorities include scouting out music, and giving bands the oportunity to make the quality of music that they wouldn't have had otherwise. The problem of funds comes up immediately. You need money to make money, right?
There's something i loved about Ani's label. I wish i had the article here so i could talk a little more inteligently about it. She said something about how her label wasn't entirely concerned with making money. Her label has spiritual (or at least moral) convictions that it must stick to.
Why aren't there more companys that have owners who take responsibility for them? Companies that exist now are given the same rights as people. By making these companies, we're essentially creating soulless humans. We're making a business world full of money driven, Godless entities. And as much as it should not be happening to any part of the world, it kills me to think that it's actually affecting the music industry.
I'm hoping for a record label that cares about the music. I'm hoping for a company with a God-fearing soul. The first thing this company would need, would be to sign some major bands. Ironically enough, this would be necessary mainly to start the cashflow. I think with major bands promoting causes like keep trade fair dot com, then there's a good chance that alot of major bands have their hearts in the right place. With a generation of cashflow, it would be important to do two things. The first would be to develop some music venues. The second would be to scout out music. It would definately be hard at first, but it would be important that these music venues earn themselves a reputation. And as quickly as possible. If a bunch of great bands could start out their careers at certain music venues, then that would work for both artist, and venue. Two areas with which the money is deserved.
Unfortionately, the nationwide tours are going to have to wait. But the idea of having a number of great bands play regularly at a small handful of tightly knit venues should work even if only to allow the bands to build their chops along with their reputations.
After not much thought, it's unlikely that major bands would leave their label, simply due to loyalty. And that's all fair. I suppose something of a non-profit label would have to start from the ground up.
For those of you who have blogs, do you ever pause near the end of a very lengthy post, and wonder if what you're saying is relevent? If anyone really cares? If anything could possibly matter? If you're even remaining coherant and on topic for more then two paragraphs at a time? Sometimes i wonder these things.
I think i'll just stop after one more point. I dont like how visually focused the music industry seems to be.
I hope this post reads well. G'night.
Granted, we were both drunk, and were talking about a chick who's not single that i like, but the idea still stuck with me.
Is there any reason, other then being the age of majority, that i should be considered a man? Maybe i'm just a boy. It's not so bad, i'm sure. I dont really have reasons to believe that i'm fully matured.
But maybe i am. Maybe i should've walked up to sarah weeks ago, and talked to her. Maybe i should've done it at the party, boyfriend or not. Maybe i aughta start doing things to get the things that i want, instead of trusting them to come to me.
I had a thought the other day, that maybe i'll meet the girl of my dreams on a bus, and i'll sit across from her silently for about twenty minutes while thinking of all the things i should be saying. Then i'll watch her push the stop button, get off the bus, and slide out of view. And after feeling a small tinge of regret, i'll convince myself that if it was meant to be, that something would have made it be.
soup's on.
I think the biggest question that we had to leave unanswered was that if someone does something wrong, but either doesn't know it's wrong, or doesn't think it's wrong, then can they be faulted for doing what they've done?
Previous to tonight, i was of the opinion that people who did wrong things don't know that what they are doing is wrong, but Pat proved the error in my thoughts by asking a whole bunch of questions. It's possible that some people do wrong without being aware, but there's certainly more then enough examples of the other. We both kinda took turns playing Socrates, it was pretty great.
I was disapointed to find out that i did things that i knew were wrong. I'm dealing with it being wrong that i took the flag now. It's sort of a bummer, but i guess i'm better off dealing with guilt then thinking i've done no wrong.
We talked a bit about whether it's right or wrong to download music or movies or software. We also talked about Jesus, whether he is divine, or human with a divine guide. Neat stuff, i'd say.
That's all i've got to say for now. Maintain.
It's quite a world we've found ourselves in. Lots of stuff to do. Literally a world of possibilities.
It's a dangerous place though. You dont want to find yourself on the wrong side of the glass when some go some way, some go the other.
I always wonder if i'm doing wrong, if i'm thinking wrong. Can i be too hard on myself? I want to do what is right. I hope my reasons for doing the right thing are the right ones.
Are actions more important then reasons? Can you will your reasons to be the right ones? Is desire to be good the same as being good?
In my last post i said that i wanted to start writing everyday. Here i am. Only one day late.
I didn't specify that i wanted to write daily on my blog. That really wasn't my intention at all. Cause i'm not going to try and spew out poetry for you crazy a-holes. To be honest, i think i care too much of what your opinion of it will be for me to let it flow through in an easy fashion.
This sounds to me like somewhat of a problem. Anyone have any ideas on how to silence your critic? I think i refuse thoughts before i can translate them into words, which really doesn't give me much opportunity to type or write them.
I actually did start drawing though. I have a book i got from the library. And it will teach me to see properly. This should help me with my drawing, i'm told.
It's crossed my mind that typing "i" in lowercase is an act of humility. I've actually gotten to the point of changing it to lowercase when i accidentally capitalize it. Weird.
Pat just sent me a link to an article about being addicted to comfort; it was a pretty decent read if you're interested.
Partly due to the drawing book, and partly due to something i read in my book on Buddhism, i started thinking again about the differences between left brain and right brain. It's really cool. There's a lot of things that we know about ourselves which can be thought upon. Thinking is great.
Speaking of left and right brained thinking, i was just reminded of a few emails that i sent around to a few people. If i remember correctly, these emails were huge in size, and had very random content. I was going through a strange phase where i started asking a lot of "why" questions, but i hadn't yet began to believe in anything spiritual. Two things i wanted to say about those emails, the first is that it's very possible that a lot of it was absolute garbage, i basically started with a few simple unanswerable questions, and wrote as if i knew the answers. I hope that even if everything i said was Bologna that maybe i still inspired someone to just write and write and write until their head was empty. Cause even if it's all bs, i think writing is a great way to learn to think.
The second thing i'm wondering (if in fact that last paragraph only said one thing) was if anyone still has those emails, i'd like it if they would forward them to me, i wouldn't mind sorting through some of the thoughts, see what i had. I've read through a few little notebooks that i had in Ottawa, and most of the stuff is really weird crackpot theories, but i think i might like to read the stuff just the same. Thanks.
Random thought generator: It's cool to use both your eyes for things. Use one for art, one for voice, two for music. I need to work on the art one. And the both one.
I don't know if i said this before here, or just wrote it down somewhere, but i think headaches are probably good for you. I get the impression that the pain paves the way through the blockages in your head. Cleans out the filter. I don't think that God would just make your head hurt for no reason. And yeah, i brought God into it. Sue me.
I think when you let your eyes play tricks on you, you're letting one part of your brain run wild, and ignoring the other one. I'll say that you ignore the side of your brain that keeps track of time. And you let the one which thinks about space go to town.
I heard a lecture in Carleton university put on by the official translator of the Dalai lama. He was talking about meditation, and he said that there were three kinds of meditation. One kind was to focus on a single point. On a single object, even. Another was to focus on absolutely nothing, just let air pass through you as if you were a deciduous tree in winter. I sure hope i got the tree right.
The dalai lama said that western scientists were going to be interacting with the Buddhists, and that Buddhists most skilled in meditation would use different styles of meditation, and electronic sensors connected to the brain would give readings which said which parts of the brain were affected by which forms of meditation.
I'm certain that this is an oversimplification, but from what i think i know, using a certain part of your brain is the easy part. The hard part is stopping the other part of your brain from interfering. I think that the meditation where you focus on a certain point/object blocks out the logical, progressive, left side of your brain. I think that the free thinking, open, airy meditation is shutting out space, letting time flow.
Space-time. Einstein. Weird. Think about it.
How about this, one eye for space, one eye for time, they merge in the middle (so you're not right fucked when you shut one eye) and then where they merge something inside you decides which part of your brain gets to deal with the input. When you meditate you drive all this information to one side of your brain.
This is the sort of crazy theorizing that i sent around in those emails, i think. And like then, when i'm writing this stuff, part of me thinks it's right.
I don't like the idea that the eyes are different. Cause i don't think they are. Lets just say one half your brain is space, one half your brain is time. That'll work for now.
I really think it's right. Strange.
"Hold up you crazy son-of-a-bitch," you think, "wasn't there supposed to be a third type of meditation?"
Congrats on remembering, i guess your logical, progressive brain is doing it's homework. Well, i decided to close with that little morsel. The third type of meditation is to imagine bad things happening to loved ones. Then you let yourself feel pain and sadness.
Could it be that you can exercise your soul?
I haven't the foggiest, but i'm not going to jump into that right now. Keep watching the skies, baby.
I'm going to learn to draw. I want to start writing everyday. I think i need a desk. Things are all going pretty well.
Dave's website is linked on the right. Most recent post is entitled "Eternal Life". I just put close to two hours into a pair of comments. It's my recommended reading for the day.
Moondance by Van Morrison is such a good album. Jebus.
On september 13 i wrote a bunch of stuff in a small fivestar notebook. I'm going to share some of that. The section i'm going to write has something to do with the post and comments on dave's site.
"We look in the mirror and we think we know ourselves. This concept couldn't be more false. You'll do a better job seeing yourself in the faces and eyes you allow your smile to reflect off of.
This is truly your impression on the world."
There's alot more i wrote that day, but i'll leave it out for now. Have a great day.
Goals change alot, so some amount of time down the road, the following may not be a fair representation of what i'm hoping for. That said, my goals are as follows.
In the next 9 years, i would like to have written a book, completed an album, done a musical tour of europe, and have spent at least 4 months living outside of europe or north america. I'd like to live cheapily in an uncivilized place. Maybe live in a small hut on the coast of thailand.
I think that'd please me a great deal.
When a flower blooms, it is essentially just letting it's insides out. I'd say they're setting a pretty good example.
wavy gravy.
How does it feel to be on your own?
A complete unknown.
Look at ya.
Well, i was in nelson at my dad's place last night. It was cool to see him again. He wasn't really fond of me being a muslim, which was kinda too bad. He's really well travelled, so i would've thought he'd be pretty understanding about that. I talked with kent a little while today though, and he kinda helped me see that as much as i think islam makes sense, it's often seen as very unusual and foreign. I'd like it if he could think that i was making an informed decision though, i got the impression that he wonders "what simon has gotten himself into". He seemed pretty eager to lend me a book about buddhism, and as much as i look forward to reading it, i really get the impression that he's hoping i'll drop the quran when i find something 'neater'. And incase anyone else was wondering, i dont call myself muslim so i can have 5 wives.
Today, the opening and closing fuction of my mini-disc recorder broke. I can still record and play music on it well, it's just that i can't open it to remove/exchange the disc which is inside. Luckily, my over the counter 30 day replacement warranty will continue untill monday. So tomorrow i will make my way to future shop to get it replaced. Third time's a charm, i hear.
Although the open/close function of the cd player wasn't working, i still decided to record a few tracks. And can i just tell you that doing this lifted my spirits. It went exceedingly well. I recorded four songs. Two of them sound almost like they're done, two of them have choruses, melodies, and music, but need some verse lyrics. But these things are all details, the important thing (to me, anyway) is that i recorded myself playing a few songs, and then with enjoyment, i listened to them. I liked my voice on tape, which as anyone will tell you, is a rairity.
I've got Acid Pro 4.0. And i'm ready to lay down some music. I feel like i've been saying this for about 2 years, but i'm expecting to have some music online fairly soon. I'll be sure to tell you where.
Like a rolling stone.
So i guess Bush is in the house again. At least we can count on another entertaining four years from The Daily Show.
I read an article in an indy music magazine, written by the lead singer to Bright Eyes. It was about the Texas based company known as Clear Channel.
I know few facts about the company, but what i've gathered is that they own about 1200 radio stations, a great deal of huge music venues, and has a frightening about of power over the popular music industry. I was happy to read that Bright Eyes refuses to play in any more Clear Channel owned venues.
This article sparked something in me. I'm not sure if it's entirely necessary that i become a well known musician before hand, but i would like to form a musicians coalition. Or even an artists coalition. I want to bring all the beautiful minded people of the world together. In numbers it will be so much easier for us to rise above the money hungry peoples we've become.
Now, i'm not sure how exactly any of this will work, so i'm just going to let ideas flow from my head for a little while. Hopefully as freely as simonly possible.
I need to figure out what the purpose of such a coalition would be. Part of this is somehow tied to an article that Ani Defranco wrote in the same music magazine. Ani wrote about her record label. Apparently, sales of Ani's cds is all that's keeping this record company afloat. Most of the musicians on her label are cause for costs, not cause for profits. Ani says that her company's shortcomings are due to dwindling record sales, and the fact that there are so few independant record stores. A lack of independant record stores means that musicians found on independant labels have difficulty getting their music out for the public to buy.
Ani's label recently purchised a former church in southern U.S. and has turned it into a music venue. She's hoping that this should form some revinue.
I would hope that the artists on Ani's label, and other independant labels, are better artists then at least some of the artists on major record labels. If the artists on independant labels are less popular for the reason that the product that they release is less good, then the sales indicate product quality, and there's really nothing which can be done, nor is there a reason for something to be done.
It bothers me to think that there's more people in the world who would rather own a Brittany Spears CD, then one written by Ani Defranco. Maybe i should refine that sentance a bit. There's more people in the world holding 20 american dollars that would rather a cd by Brittany then Ani.
So, is this a problem that needs a remedy?
I suppose for a brief paragraph, i'll contribute the idea that maybe i have bad taste in music, and that popular music is popular for good reasons. By mentioning this, it wont be commented by someone who thinks that they've discovered a horrible fault in what i'm trying to do. Let me just say that if i do have bad taste, then you can either keep your opinion of my opinions to yourself, or you could let me know, and i'll not worry about it. Opinions are beautiful things, because if they're truly from what you believe, then they will not be swayed by the opinions of others.
But wait a minute you say (or i say to myself), if you believe that everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, then why are you implying that people who buy brittany spears cds are wrong in their purchases? Are they not entitled to listen to what they wish?
Well, yeah, of course they are. But there's something that irks me about popular music. I think that i can describe it best through four simple words.
Victory Through Sheer Volume
It's not fair. Unfortionately, i lack the experience and the knowledge to say exactly how this system works and why it's not fair. But as far as my imagination can carry me, i believe that the advertising that big companies use to promote their artists gives their artists a higher chance of being seen, being heard, and being bought. Through these sales the artists earn a pretty penny, so they rairly feel the need to complain. The record label also earns a pretty penny, so they can continue to advertise their musicians and make sales. Record labels can also use this advertising power to attract musicians to their label. Bands are tempted with candies such as continental tours, radio play, and signing bonuses.
So, what's it gonna be? One of the comments that the lead singer to Bright Eyes (it'd be best if i just knew his name) said that the only solution would be if i a business could compete with Clear Channel in terms of promoting power. But what would that do, he wondered. What would the point be of having two Clear Channels? Where in lies the progress?
What about a non profit record label? A label that's main priorities include scouting out music, and giving bands the oportunity to make the quality of music that they wouldn't have had otherwise. The problem of funds comes up immediately. You need money to make money, right?
There's something i loved about Ani's label. I wish i had the article here so i could talk a little more inteligently about it. She said something about how her label wasn't entirely concerned with making money. Her label has spiritual (or at least moral) convictions that it must stick to.
Why aren't there more companys that have owners who take responsibility for them? Companies that exist now are given the same rights as people. By making these companies, we're essentially creating soulless humans. We're making a business world full of money driven, Godless entities. And as much as it should not be happening to any part of the world, it kills me to think that it's actually affecting the music industry.
I'm hoping for a record label that cares about the music. I'm hoping for a company with a God-fearing soul. The first thing this company would need, would be to sign some major bands. Ironically enough, this would be necessary mainly to start the cashflow. I think with major bands promoting causes like keep trade fair dot com, then there's a good chance that alot of major bands have their hearts in the right place. With a generation of cashflow, it would be important to do two things. The first would be to develop some music venues. The second would be to scout out music. It would definately be hard at first, but it would be important that these music venues earn themselves a reputation. And as quickly as possible. If a bunch of great bands could start out their careers at certain music venues, then that would work for both artist, and venue. Two areas with which the money is deserved.
Unfortionately, the nationwide tours are going to have to wait. But the idea of having a number of great bands play regularly at a small handful of tightly knit venues should work even if only to allow the bands to build their chops along with their reputations.
After not much thought, it's unlikely that major bands would leave their label, simply due to loyalty. And that's all fair. I suppose something of a non-profit label would have to start from the ground up.
For those of you who have blogs, do you ever pause near the end of a very lengthy post, and wonder if what you're saying is relevent? If anyone really cares? If anything could possibly matter? If you're even remaining coherant and on topic for more then two paragraphs at a time? Sometimes i wonder these things.
I think i'll just stop after one more point. I dont like how visually focused the music industry seems to be.
I hope this post reads well. G'night.
On saturday, one of my good friends told me that it was time to be a man.
Granted, we were both drunk, and were talking about a chick who's not single that i like, but the idea still stuck with me.
Is there any reason, other then being the age of majority, that i should be considered a man? Maybe i'm just a boy. It's not so bad, i'm sure. I dont really have reasons to believe that i'm fully matured.
But maybe i am. Maybe i should've walked up to sarah weeks ago, and talked to her. Maybe i should've done it at the party, boyfriend or not. Maybe i aughta start doing things to get the things that i want, instead of trusting them to come to me.
I had a thought the other day, that maybe i'll meet the girl of my dreams on a bus, and i'll sit across from her silently for about twenty minutes while thinking of all the things i should be saying. Then i'll watch her push the stop button, get off the bus, and slide out of view. And after feeling a small tinge of regret, i'll convince myself that if it was meant to be, that something would have made it be.
soup's on.